その1冊が、四角大輔氏の名著「自由であり続けるために 20代で捨てるべき50のこと」だ。
その後Kindle版が出版されると、徐々に紙の本から電子書籍に移行していた僕は、紙の「自由であり続けるために 20代で捨てるべき50のこと」を処分した。
いつでもどこでも読めるように、iPad miniのKindleアプリに入れておいた。
特に自宅にいる時、わざわざiPad miniやKindle端末を起動するより、紙の本をパラパラ捲る方が簡単だ。
「自由であり続けるために 20代で捨てるべき50のこと」は、それくらいの価値がある本だと思っている。
Basically, I prefer e-books (Kindle).
I almost never buy paper books.
E-books are lightweight and can be carried in the hundreds or thousands on an iPhone or Kindle device and read anytime, anywhere.
You can easily turn pages with one hand.
Sao Ichikawa also wrote about the kindness of people with physical disabilities in her book “Hunchback,” which recently won the Akutagawa Prize.
I still have some paper books.
One such book is Daisuke Shikoku’s masterpiece, “50 things to throw away in his 20s to remain free.”
The day I first saw this book at a bookstore (back then, e-books weren’t as common as they are now, and I frequented bookstores too…), the title and the impact of the baby on the cover made me pick it up and buy it. have done.
I wasn’t in my twenties at the time, but I was deeply moved by the content.
This is the book that made me fall in love with minimalism.
Later, when the Kindle version was published, I gradually transitioned from paper books to e-books and got rid of the paper version of “50 Things You Should Abandon in Your 20s to Stay Free.”
I put it in the Kindle app on my iPad mini so I can read it anytime, anywhere.
It has become convenient for me to be able to read whenever I feel like it, even when traveling or on a business trip.
That’s a good thing, of course, but something is wrong.
Especially when I’m at home, it’s easier to flip through a paper book than to boot up an iPad mini or Kindle device.
I feel like this book deserves such an easy read.
That’s why I decided to buy the paper book again.
In total, I bought two paper books and one Kindle version, a total of three books.
I don’t think it’s a waste of money.
I think “50 things to give up in your 20s to stay free” is a worthwhile book.
I don’t need the mediocre minimalist books that are circulating in the world.
This one book is enough.